My Projects

My Projects

I like to build something tangible from the topics I am curious about. Here are some of the digital projects that I have built recently.


example projects, the Digital Marketing checklist 2nd edition
Ebook for Amazon Kindle
example projects, Kindle Digital Marketing Technology Stack: 25 tools to get you started in digital marketing
Ebook for Amazon Kindle
example projects, 2nd edition Source Book of Hindu Mythology
2nd edition Source Book of Hindu Mythology
Industrial Hemp marketing case
A business case for undergrad and graduate marketing courses.


one of my current projects, Vidjaa digital marketing e-learning for small business
Digital Marketing e-learning for small businesses

Also in the Vidjaa network:
Small Business Marketing Technology, a cryptocurrency payment-enabled site for Mohan Sarma’s books.
E-commerce Product Reviews, e-commerce software tools reviews.

an example e-commerce projects, Sanskrit Yoga Wear
Original Sanskrit yoga apparel
Dank Merchants is a cannabis retailers directory lookup for adults. The site is optimized for mobile device users.
example student projects, RVAtourism
VCU student project

Our company

the mothership of projects, my LLC
Co-founded with Bettie D. Sarma and proudly based in Richmond, Virginia.