MBA applications

MBA applications

AI generated image based on the post by OpenAI. ROI on an MBA degree in uncertain times.

Uncertain Times? Invest in Yourself!

The ROI on a Graduate Education Is More Than Just Salary With economic uncertainty, rapid AI advancements, and global instability, the future of work is more unpredictable than ever. Job security is no longer guaranteed, and industries are evolving at an unprecedented pace. In times like these, investing in graduate education—especially an MBA—has historically been […]

Uncertain Times? Invest in Yourself! Read More »

AI generated inmage from Canva using this prompt "An MBA student visiting a university campus in late summer, impressionist style, warm tones, trees with green and golden leaves, students walking, old brick buildings in the background." Rolling Admissions

What Does Rolling Admissions Mean?

Rolling admissions is a process where a school accepts and evaluates applications as they are received rather than waiting for a set deadline. This means that the admissions committee reviews applications and makes decisions throughout the admission period until all the seats are filled. For prospective students, this translates to some seats still available for the next cohort, even as the application season progresses.

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